Recently, you must have heard about Facebook Cambridge University data scam? It was all over the news for a long time. More than 87 million users had their data sabotaged in this massive scandal. Well, yeah that was one big bummer and Facebook really lost the trust of their users. Actually, it’s not just Facebook there are a lot of other websites and social media platforms that store our data. So, no surprises here!

In case you’re wondering to analyze what sort of data these giant platforms store that can be easily figured out. Here’s a quick guide on how to download a copy of Google, Facebook and Twitter data to learn more about data analytics.

How to Download your Entire Google Data

Google is one account which sums up almost our entire world. There are a lot of products associated to this single name from emails to Drive to Calendars. So, if you’re willing to download a backup copy of your entire Google account you can easily do that, otherwise you can also download data for individual services.

  1. Head on to Google Takeout page to download your data.

  2. Login with your Google account username and password.

  3. Now pick the services whose data you wish to download like Bookmarks, Calendars, Chrome, Google Photos etc.

  4. Select the file format for archive whether you want to save it as zip tgz etc. Here you can also select file archive size between a range of 1 GB to 50 GB depending upon your device’s storage capacity.

  5. Once you’re done tap on “Crete Archive” button. The archive file will then be automatically delivered to your Gmail ID.

How to Download Facebook Data

So folks, next comes Facebook. Yes, one of our most favorite and loved social media account! Follow these quick steps to download a backup copy of your Facebook data (Just in case)

  1. Open Facebook on your PC or laptop and log in to your account.

  2. Open Settings> General Account Settings.

  3. Under Manage account you will find a like of “Download a Copy of your Facebook data”. Tap on that link to proceed further.

  4. Next, the archive process will begin. Hit the “Start My Archive” button to save a copy of your Facebook data on your system.

  5. Once the archive process ends, an archive file link will be delivered to your registered email ID.

How to Download your Twitter Data

Last but not the least comes Twitter! Here’s what you need to do to create a copy of your Twitter data.

  1. Open Twitter and log in to your account.

  2. Tap your profile pic icon on the top right corner and tap on “Settings and Privacy”.

  3. Under “Your Twitter Archive” section tap on “Request Your Archive” option.

  4. And that’s it! Once you click on that link a copy of all your Twitter account archive will be sent to your registered email ID.

So folks, here was a quick guide on how to download a copy of Google, Facebook and Twitter data. For any other queries or feedback feel free to hit the comments box below.