Make two marks equidistant from the top of the paper, and with a pencil, lightly draw a horizontal line from left to right between them. Mark the center point of the paper a couple inches above and below the horizontal line, then lightly draw a vertical line from top to bottom. It should look like this:

22. 5° 67. 5° 112. 5° 157. 5° 202. 5° 247. 5° 292. 5° 337. 5°

22. 5° and 202. 5° 67. 5° and 247. 5° 112. 5° and 292. 5° 157. 5° and 337. 5°

Do the same from the 0° mark to the intersection of the 315° mark and the innermost circle. Repeat this process at the 90° point (E), drawing lines to intersect the innermost circle and the 45° and 135° points; at the 180° point (S), drawing lines to intersect the innermost circle and the 135° and 225° points; and from the 270° point (W), drawing lines to intersect the innermost circle and the 225° and 315° points. Your compass rose should look something like this:

Do the same from the 45° mark to the intersection of the 67. 5° mark and the top side of the E cardinal point. Repeat this process at the 135° point (SE), drawing lines to intersect the bottom of the E cardinal point and right of the S cardinal point; at the 225° point (SW), drawing lines to intersect the left side of the S cardinal point and the bottom of the W cardinal point; and from the 315° point (NW), drawing lines to intersect the top of the W cardinal point and the left side of the N cardinal point. Your compass rose should now look something like this:

Repeat this process at the 67. 5° point (ENE), drawing connecting lines to intersect the middle circle and the bottom of the NE cardinal point and top of the E cardinal point. From the 112. 5° point (ESE) to the bottom of the E cardinal point and the top of the SE cardinal point. From the 157. 5° point (SSE) to the bottom of the SE cardinal point and the right side of the S cardinal point. From the 202. 5° point (SSW) to the left side of the S cardinal point and the bottom of the SW cardinal point From the 247. 5° point (WSW) to the top of the SW cardinal point and the bottom of the W cardinal point From the 292. 5° point (WNW) to the top of the W cardinal point and the bottom of the NW cardinal point And from the 337. 5° point (NNW) to the top of the NW cardinal point and the left side of the N cardinal point;. Your compass rose should now look something like this: