Don’t overlap the circles or else your dragon’s body will look too short. Your dragon will look longer if you put the second circle further away from the first one. Be careful not to draw the circles too large or else the rest of your dragon won’t fit on the page.
Use a compass to draw the circle if you want it to look perfectly round. Otherwise, it’s okay to draw it freehand. Draw with light pencil lines so you can erase and reposition the head if you don’t like where you drew it the first time.
Avoid using straight lines when you connect the circles since it will make the dragon look unnatural.
Some dragons may only have wings instead of front legs. (Those dragons are called lindworms or wyverns. ) If you don’t want your dragon to have front legs, just leave them off.
You can also draw circles and ovals over your lines instead of tube shapes to make the musculature look more realistic. Look at pictures of other lizards and reptiles to use as references for your dragon’s feet since they may have similar features.
You can draw your dragon’s tail as long as you want it. Make the tail narrower as it gets closer to the tip so it looks natural.
You can add spikes to the top corner of your dragon’s wings if you want. You can make the wings larger or smaller if you want.
Dragon wings traditionally look similar to those of a bat, so you can use pictures of them as references for your drawing.
Some dragons have ears that resemble their wings. If you want to add ears, draw them directly below the horns. The pupil in your dragon’s eyes can be round or look like a slit.
Use the eraser on your pencil or use a clickable thin eraser to clean up lines in tight areas. You can go over your dragon’s outline with a pen or thin marker before you erase the guide lines to ensure you don’t remove any marks by accident. Let the pen or marker dry completely before erasing since it could smear.
You don’t need to give your dragon scales if you don’t want. You may also add spikes along your dragons back to add more texture and detail.
Use a compass or trace around a circular object if you want to draw the circle perfectly.
You don’t have to draw perfect circles for the body, but you can use a compass or circular object if you want. Place the second circle further away from the first one if you want your dragon to have a long body.
Eastern dragons have bodies similar to snakes, so look at pictures of how a snake curves its body for references.
You can make the tail as long as you want.
You don’t have to draw the back legs on your dragon if you don’t want to. Your dragon’s feet don’t need to be flat on the ground since Eastern dragons are commonly drawn flying.
You can make the hair as long or as short as you want. You can also sketch hair running down the middle of the dragon’s back if you want.
You may also choose to add knobby antlers coming out from the top of your dragon’s head. If you want to give your dragon ears, add oblong oval shapes to the sides of its head.