Dividing the face into sections will make it easier to get the proportions of the face right later on. Imagine that the face is on your eye level, and that you are looking directly in her eyes.

To make the eyebrows thicker, lightly go over the lines you drew a few times and shade around the arches.

Avoid drawing the bridge of the nose since it can make the nose look too masculine. You’ll be able to define the bridge later with shading instead of harsh lines.

Only do this on one side of the face. If you try to shade both sides of the nose, it may look too defined and masculine.

The outer corners of the lips should extend past the nostrils above them. Otherwise, the lips may look too small.

You can draw the hair tucked behind the ears, or you can draw it over the ears and erase any part of the ears that would be covered by hair.

The sections at the top of the oval should be bigger than the sections at the bottom.

Give the eyes an almond shape that’s flatter on the bottom and rounder on top.

When you’re finished, you should have a large, rounded lower lip, which will help the cartoon face look more feminine.

The eyebrows don’t need to be the exact same length, but try to make them the same shape so they look balanced.

You can try drawing different shapes for the earrings, or you can leave them out altogether.

If you’re drawing long hair, you can draw it tucked behind the ears and leave the ears as they are, or you can draw the hair over the ears and erase any parts of them that are covered.