To give your apple a distinct look, you could draw a circle that’s shaped more like a tilted oval. You can make a light, rough outline in pencil, going quickly rather than slowly. This helps you search for the overall shape.

You can make the w-shaped line as curved or pointed as you like. Remember that cartoons can exaggerate such features.

You’ll place the stem in the middle of this m-shape.

Erase the unnecessary guidelines using a small eraser.

If you don’t want the cartoon apple to have a stem, you can skip this step.

You can place the leave near the top, middle, or base of the stem.

For example, make large eyes with small circles in the centers for pupils or draw small solid-black eyes for simple eyes.

Press lightly so you can easily erase guidelines later.

Make the indent come up about a quarter of the way up the oval or less. If you make the indent too pronounced, your apple will look more tooth-shaped.

You can make your stem as short or long as you like.

If you don’t want your apple to have a leaf, skip this step.

Ensure that you’re using a clean eraser or you may accidentally smear the graphite.

For example, if the light is hitting the top left portion of the apple, add lots of shading to the bottom right side of the apple and leaf as well as the indent at the top of the apple.

Go back and use your finger or a blending stump to smudge the edges of the highlighted space so they realistically blur into the rest of the apple. Dab at any overly shaded areas with a kneaded eraser to pick up some of the excess graphite.