White candle magick: Protection, serenity, transitions Black candle magick: Calmness, restoration, invisibility Gray candle magick: Balance, neutrality, peace Purple candle magick: Intuition, wisdom, power Orange candle magick: Pride, success, confidence Pink candle magick: Care, self-love, glamour Red candle magick: Passion, courage, ambition Yellow candle magick: Intellect, learning, concentration Blue candle magick: Patience, truth, guidance Green candle magick: Growth, luck, wealth Brown candle magick: Stability, practicality, earthiness Gold candle magick: Longevity, radiance, liveliness

Traditional spell: Banish toxic friends with a black candle. Alternative spell: Create a mysterious allure with a black candle. Traditional spell: Find inner peace with a white candle. Alternative spell: Dazzle a rival with a white candle. Traditional spell: Attract wealth with a green candle. Alternative spell: Resist greed with a green candle. Traditional spell: Draw in confidence with an orange candle. Alternative spell: Block out arrogance with an orange candle.

“With this pink candle, I will heal myself with self-love. " “With this purple candle, I shall develop psychic abilities. " “With this red candle, I’ll infuse my relationship with passion. "

Match your clothes to your candle to amplify an intention. Add framed photos or a vision board to your altar to manifest dreams. Track the phases of the Moon to benefit from lunar magick. Make a magick circle out of black salt to boost protective spells.

Choose a smudge stick that complements your candle. For example, a bundle of lavender can amplify the calming qualities of a black candle. Say an affirmation to enhance your cleansing ritual. You may declare, “I purify this room so it’s a sacred space for my love spell. "

Write a short intention on a piece of paper and put it far away from the wick. Scratch an ancient rune into the candle to invoke a deity. Carve the candle with freehand designs to bless it with spontaneity. Put your name onto the candle to bind it to you.

Rosehip oil, rosemary, and rose quartz: Patience, friendship, and love Lemon oil, sweetgrass, and aquamarine: Vitality, optimism, and bliss Wild orange oil, vanilla beans, and tiger’s eye: Courage, charisma, strength Think of a meaningful number to decide how many drops of oil to add. For example, maybe ‘8’ makes you think of the infinity symbol, so you’ll use 8 drops of nutmeg oil for eternal love.

Think of matchsticks or thin taper candles that will give your spell a unique advantage. For example, a yellow-tipped match can help you learn about peace when you light a grey candle.

Flickering or jumping flame: Your spell is full of energy. High flame: Your wish will come true soon. Weak flame: You must overcome obstacles to reach your goal. Blue flame: Helpful forces, like angels, are on your side. Split flame: A new entity, like an ancestor’s soul, has entered the space. Crackling flame: A guardian, like a spirit guide, wants to speak now. No flame: Try your spell again at another time. Curled wick: Your candle spell likely worked exactly as planned. Quick burning wick: You’ll enjoy a quick but short-lived result. Slow burning wick: You’ll need to wait for an amazing outcome.

A candle snuffer makes sure you won’t blow out the flame, which can disturb your spell. If you’d like to use your dressed candle for different spells, store it in a safe place. For example, place it in a decorative storage chest.

Return to the Earth by going outside, performing a child’s pose, and placing your forehead against the ground. Praise the Universe with words like, “I am eternally grateful for the sacred fire you blessed me with. "