If you bought the shell at a store, you don’t have to boil it. You can also soak your shells in soapy water with a little bit of vinegar.

The location choose typically depends on what you’ll be using the shell for. Shells used for jewelry, for example, are often strung near the top or base, but you may also choose to drill through the middle depending on your design. The shell may be thicker near the base than it is at the top. This might make it harder to drill through, but will also lessen your chances of cracking the shell. You may want to place down a few layers of newspaper or an old placemat, as you might push through and puncture the surface under the shell.

Thumbtacks are a good choice for smaller shells because they’re sharp, but not so powerful that they’ll break through the shell and crack it. You can also use a needle to make your hole.

You can also drill a second hole right next to the first one for a wider opening.

Let the shell cool for 5-10 minutes before you start to drill. If you purchased your shell from a store or online, you don’t need to boil it.

If you want your shell to hang down naturally, like on a chain for jewelry, place the hole near the top or base of the shell. If your design calls for the shell to be suspended in the middle, place the mark in the middle of the shell. Place a few layers of newspaper or an old placemat under the shell to protect the surface you’re drilling on.

You may need to hold the scissors by the other blade instead of the by the handle. If this is the case, wear a thick glove to protect your hand. The size of the scissors will determine the size of the hole. If you want a smaller hole, use a thinner pair of scissors, or even nail scissors. For a larger hole, go with regular scissors.

Don’t continue pushing down once you break through; the blade widens quickly and the hole might crack.

You can also rinse the shell under water to clean it.

Measure the hole against the string, chain, or jump ring you plan on threading through. Make sure it’s wide enough before you put away your scissors.