It’s also important to double-check and make sure that you’re working with a basic tumbler lock that you’ll be able to knock out, and that there aren’t other locking mechanisms on the door that’ll keep you out. Disable any alarms before attempting to drill a lock.
A variable-speed power drill. You want a well-maintained and powerful power drill that you’ll be able to use to break the lock mechanism. It would be very difficult to do this by hand. Several sizes of drill bits. There’s no one drill-bit that’ll be better than others, because you want to match it to the size of the lock. Have a few on hand to experiment with.
If you have difficulty finding the right place to sink your guidance hole, you can purchase a lock-drilling template. Templates for a variety of locks are available at locksmith shops and hardware stores.
You should feel more resistance as the drill bit encounters each pin, then a decrease in resistance as the bit cuts through the pin. If the drill binds while drilling, you may need to put the drill in reverse and pull it out of the lock to draw out excess metal filings created by drilling through metal. Lock-drilling templates for a variety of locks are offered for sale by locksmith businesses and hardware stores.
Keep the drill level while drilling. If you drill at an angle, you can accidentally drill through unnecessary metal and damage more of the lock.
Drill through the entire mechanism. This will destroy the entire lock. You will then be able to access the previously locked area.