If you cannot find raw apple cider vinegar in stores, search online stores.

You can use either hot or cold water. Try mixing the ACV with other liquids, such as fruit juice, tea, or apple cider, for a different flavor. There have been case reports of people having caustic injury to their esophagus from drinking apple cider vinegar. [4] X Expert Source Adrienne Youdim, MDBoard Certified Internist Expert Interview. 11 September 2020.

Consult with a doctor before starting an ACV regimen if you’re prescribed insulin or diuretic medications. Apple cider vinegar may weaken the medicine.

You may continue taking apple cider vinegar every day, or repeat detox regimens 3-4 times a year.

Replace the sweetener with 1 tbsp (21. 25 g) of honey for a natural sweetener.

Put a cinnamon stick into a hot drink to steep the flavor.

Warm up your drink and add 1 tbsp (21. 25 g) of honey to help with a sore throat.

You can also mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of ACV into your favorite store-bought dressing.

Experiment with different flavors. If you want a saltier marinade, add in 1 tablespoon (15 ml) each of Worcestershire and soy sauce.

Apple cider vinegar can be added to store-bought or homemade soup.