Noni juice is also sold bottled, as dried fruit, as a powder, or as a capsule. These can all be consumed immediately and may help you avoid noni juice’s nasty smell and taste.

You can slice the fruit into smaller portions if it doesn’t all fit in your blender. Since a ripened noni is soft, you can also crush it with your hands.

You only need about one fourth of a cup (60 mL) of noni juice a day. A single fruit provides enough juice for two people, so don’t hesitate to thin the juice with water.

You may also simply pour a little bit of fruit juice or honey into a glass with the noni juice. It won’t completely hide the noni flavor, but you’ll get used to it over time.

For noni extract in capsule form, limit yourself to 500 mg a day. Read the label to find out how much extract is in each pill.

Unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and nausea are common symptoms of these diseases. You may see skin yellowing with liver disease. Kidney disease may come with swelling in the face, hands, and feet.

Symptoms of high potassium include fatigue, numbness, nausea, chest pain, and heart palpitations.