Create your account or use your existing one. Add keywords to help people find your channel, which is key to making money on YouTube. You can add keywords by navigating to the Advanced section of your Channel Settings. Make sure that your keywords are relevant to your content. Your username can also work for or against you. If it’s short, easy to remember, and original, people will be more apt to remember you. However if you are using an existing account, you can always change your username by editing it on your Google+ account. Keep in mind, you can only change your user name 3 times at maximum before you have to wait 90 days to change it again.

You can monetize a video as it uploads by clicking the Monetization tab and checking the “Monetize with Ads” box. To monetize a video after it has been uploaded, open your Video Manager and click the “$” sign next to the video that you want to monetize. Check the “Monetize with Ads” box.

Go to www. youtube. com and click “My Channel” on the webpage. Click the link called “Video Manager” on the top bar. Click channel and Enable on monetization.

To enable channel memberships, you must meet the minimum requirements. You must have more than 1,000 subscribers, be a YouTube Partner, be over 18 years old, have a Community tab, and your channel cannot be set as “made for kids”. As this is a relatively new feature, meeting the requirements doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll automatically get channel membership access. If you have access, you’ll see the option to begin channel memberships on the Memberships page.

This gives incentive to viewers who want a greater chance of their message being read to everyone watching. The bigger the purchase the amount, the longer the message will be pinned to the chat. You can moderate all Super Chats and Super Stickers. You’ll be able to add a list of blocked words to avoid abuse. You can also remove them at any time while keeping your earnings. To use Super Chat and Super Stickers, your channel must be monetized, and you must be in an eligible __cpLocation.

After buying a Super Thanks, a colorful animation with play over the video for the viewer. They’ll also get to post a distinct, customizable comment in the video’s comment section. This lets your viewers stand out over other viewers while giving you extra support.

Use these tools to see how your content is resonating with your audience. You can change your content or your marketing if you’re finding that you aren’t attracting the users that you want to.