For best results, go with a casting agency that specifically works with reality TV shows or shows with studio audiences. The registration process for most casting agencies involves submitting registration paperwork, documents that prove your identity, and having your picture taken for the company’s portfolio. There’s also the possibility that a guest or audience member will cancel their reservation. When this happens, producers turn to their back-up list of reservation requests. Your name could be selected as a last minute fill-in, especially if you live around the location of the show’s filming.

When this happens, it’s usually the first people to respond who are awarded tickets to the show, so be sure to follow social media posts closely! For example, follow @foxtv on Twitter and Instagram or visit facebook. com/FOXTV. The show’s official website once had a “Reservations” section on its front page, located near the bottom of the screen, but the producers removed that section from the website. Nonetheless, you should continue to check the webpage for updates on whether or not reservations are actively being requested.

For example, ask a friend of yours who works for Fox something like: “Do you think it would be possible for you to help me get tickets to be in the Hell’s Kitchen audience? It would mean a lot to me. ” The more influence your contact has within the company or with the show, the more likely you are to succeed in your appeal. Make your request directly to the person you know rather than going through official channels.

Be forewarned: you probably won’t see Gordon Ramsay at this restaurant.

Be aware that Hell’s Kitchen is a show, so you may be filmed and shown on TV. Dress the way you want to be seen by millions of people!

Note that even after you obtain tickets, there is no guarantee that you will actually be able to eat anything there. Per the rules of the show, once Gordon Ramsay calls for an end to the episode, the kitchen shuts down for the evening, regardless of whether all the diners have been served.

Unfortunately, you probably won’t get to meet Gordon Ramsay face-to-face, either. Most people who have visited the set of the show report that the food is decent, but not fantastic. If you still want to go, do so for the entertainment experience and not for the sake of a great meal.