If you find you are always short on time in the mornings, prepare your breakfast the night before. Likewise, you might benefit from prepping your food at home if you struggle to find enough time to eat at work.

Look for pre-packaged, single-serving portions of foods like greek yogurt, crackers, and string cheese. These items are all easily transported and can help to moderate your portions.

Hard-boiled eggs can be eaten in a minute or two and are really filling and nutritious. Nuts are also a great, quick snack that will keep your belly feeling full longer than a bag of chips. Cheeses are also filling, healthy and can be eaten quickly. Fruits like apples and bananas can provide a little natural sugar kick and might satisfy your sweet tooth.

Select a protein drink that is rich in protein, carbs, and fats with sufficient calories to satisfy your needs. [3] X Research source You may just want to use a shake to replace part of a meal. Supplement the shake with a snack of fruit or veggies to assure you get the necessary nutrients.

You may still want have something small, like a piece of fruit, a few hours before your meal. This will help hold you over, but won’t fill you up prematurely.

If you are eating something that is bigger than you can fit in your mouth at once, like hot dogs, hamburgers or pizza, figure out the best way to break the food down with your hands to make it faster to eat. For example, you can rip your hot dogs and buns in half and dip them in water to help break down the bread and be able to fit both halves in your mouth at once. [8] X Research source

The esophagus is only 2-3 inches on average. After a long enough time training to eat fast, you will be able to slightly expand your esophagus and eat more at once. [9] X Research source

Try shoveling the food in. This is easiest with a bowl, and you can literally use your eating utensil to shovel large amounts of food into our mouth.