The total fiber intake recommended for women is: 25 g daily. The total fiber intake recommended for men is: 38 g daily. [2] X Trustworthy Source EatRight. org Organization associated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics providing advice about food, health, and fitness Go to source Keep track of how much fiber you eat throughout the day. You may find it easy to use a food journaling app to help you accurately calculate fiber each day.

Choose lower fiber fruits or remove fibrous parts of fruits. For example: eat applesauce instead of an apple, because the skin of the apple contains a large amount of fiber, or drink six ounces of 100% juice daily. Fruits that are lower in fiber include: canned fruit, cooked fruit, and fruit without the skin or peel. Choose lower fiber vegetables or remove fibrous parts. For example: take the skin off your potato or remove the seeds from your zucchini. Vegetables that are lower in fiber include: canned vegetables, well-cooked and very soft vegetables, vegetables without seeds, and 100% vegetable juice. Choose lower fiber grains. For example: avoid 100% whole grain foods since these are higher in fiber. Choose lower fiber grains like: white rice, white bread, cream of wheat or cream of rice, or plain pasta.

Insoluble fiber may stimulate bowls more than desired causing diarrhea in those who are susceptible or have a chronic health condition. Insoluble fiber is found in the following foods: whole grains, vegetables and wheat bran. Soluble fiber absorbs water, makes stools easier to pass and may slow digestion slightly. This type of fiber is more gentle and may be more appropriate for some people. Although insoluble fiber may have negative side effects for some, in general, it’s a healthy addition to your diet and can help prevent constipation.

Orange juice with pulp and added fiber. Artificial sweeteners with added fiber. Yogurts with added fiber. Soy milk with added fiber. Granola bars or bread that have additional added fiber (these may be lower in fiber prior to processing additional added fiber).

Discontinue the use of any stool softeners or laxatives that contain added fiber. Do not take oral gummies or fiber capsules. Do not add extra powdered fiber or psyllium husk to foods or beverages.

Calculate how much fiber is in each meal or snack and what your total daily intake will be. A meal plan will allow you to change things up, make substitutions or swaps so that you don’t go over your target fiber goal each day. Take some of your free time to plan your meals and snacks for one week. Include all meals and snacks you typically eat everyday. Repeat this exercise every week or as needed.

Your doctor will most likely give you a specific timeline for reintroducing fibrous foods or give you a certain limitation on your total fiber intake. Be sure to ask what types of fiber are appropriate, how you should add fiber back to your diet and what your long-term fiber goal should be. Remember that any time you add or subtract large levels of fiber, you are likely to experience gastric changes such as bloating and constipation.

A quick increase in extra fiber may cause GI distress and other uncomfortable side effects like: gas, bloating and cramping.

The number of ounces of fluids you should drink each day can be found by dividing your weight in half. So if you weigh 200 lbs, you should drink 100 oz of water, or 12. 5 glasses of water every day. [10] X Research source This will help your digestive system move consistently and help prevent constipation. Stick to sugar-free and caffeine-free fluids for your best bet. Water, flavored water, decaf coffee and tea are good options.