Instead of milk, try your favorite brand of plain yoghurt (or flavoured if your prefer extra sweetness) for probiotic benefits and a different flavor and texture. Try heating the milk, then letting the muesli soak for a few minutes in the hot milk to soften it slightly, making it a bit more like oatmeal. You can also pour cold milk over the cereal in a microwave safe bowl, then heat the whole mixture in the microwave. Like cereal, it’s also great to snack on all by itself. Just snack on it like granola.

Sliced banana Blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries Kiwi Strawberries (the seeds work especially well as they add an extra sour crunch) Pork Scratchings (ideal if you want a more savoury muesli) Diced apple Chopped pear Sliced mango Lychees work especially well as they add a crisp sour flavour, which can’t be topped Pomegranate seeds

Cranberries Apricot Goji berries Raisins or sultanas Currants

Coconut milk makes for a great soaking mixture, adding gentle sweetness and subtle flavor to the muesli. If you’re not crazy about the taste, you could also mix it in with a little milk to make it more palatable.

A handful of frozen strawberries, or your favorite frozen fruit One half cup of yoghurt or kefir One half cup of shredded coconut Two tablespoons of muesli

Boil as much milk and water as you want to yield in cooked muesli, then add half as much muesli to the pot. If you want a cup of cooked muesli, in other words, boil a half cup of water and a half cup of milk, then add a half cup of raw muesli to it. Lower the temperature and cook the muesli covered for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it reaches the desired consistency. Eat it any time it looks good.

1 tablespoon rolled oats, soaked in 2–3 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon cream 1 large, sour apple, finely grated and mixed in directly before serving Top with 1 tablespoon (14. 8 ml) ground hazelnuts or almonds

Honey Molasses Brown sugar Cinnamon Toasted coconut Lemon Juice Agave syrup Maple syrup Nutmeg

Press the mixture into a baking pan, about an inch-thick, and let it chill thoroughly in the fridge. Cut into bars and keep them in the refrigerator for a quick snack. You can also use melted butter and honey as a binder, pressing the mixture into a pan and letting it firm up.

Cookies Pancakes Cakes Muffins