Particularly if your mussels come in a booth or soup, this may provide ease in eating.
With mussels, there will likely be a small amount of meat juice inside the shell, which can be quite enjoyable. Sucking your mussel from the shell allows you to easily enjoy the juices.
Poke at the meat gently and pull it from the shell slowly. Take care not to accidentally stab your hand with the fork.
Your mussels might come without broth or pasta, in which case you will probably be given a rinse bowl for your fingers. If a rinse bowl is present, it is perfectly acceptable to eat with your fingers. If your dish is served with broth, you can also spear your mussel with your fork and enjoy it with a separate spoonful or broth.
Generally, when eating mussels in the United States, it is considered proper etiquette to discard the shell and continue to use your fork to pry out the additional mussels.
If enjoying seafood pasta, alternate between bites of mussels and bites of pasta. Consume your mussels one at a time until your meal is finished.