You are also supposed to eat sushi rolls with your hands as well, not chopsticks.

In a pinch, you can also use hand sanitizer to clean your hands.

Never pour the soy sauce directly on the sushi, as this ruins the flavor of the fish. In some cases, if the sushi is high quality, you do not need to have it with any soy sauce at all.

Do not dunk or drown it in the sauce. A quality piece of nigiri sushi does not need a lot of soy sauce. Never put the rice side of the sushi in the soy sauce, as the rice will soak up the sauce and the flavor of the sushi will be compromised.

If you prefer a more subtle wasabi taste, you may not need to add more wasabi to the sushi.

Avoid cutting the sushi with your teeth or pulling it apart with your hands. This will compromise the flavor and texture of the sushi.

If you cook sushi rice in a rice cooker, use water according to the size of the rice. For Japanese short grain rice, you can use water in the ratio of one to one. Use more water for medium or long grains of rice.