Go to the left of the screen and see a red button that says “Create”. Under all of the options, find a red colored document folder named “Google Drawings. “. You should now be opened to an untitled drawing. Give it a name as well.

Press “Copy image”. Go back to your Google drawing. Right click again and press “Paste”. Your image should be on the background. To make it fit the whole page, stretch it out (the image enlarges, and will not repeat). Use your mouse to stretch out the blue lines at the sides. Go back to the Gmail tab. Right click “Copy image” on the picture you sent to yourself. Paste it onto the Google Drawing.

Right click on the image you want to be in the middle. Click on “Center on page”. You get two choices here: “Horizontal” or “Vertical”. Click both.

Go back to Google Images. Do the same thing with the background, except put the word “transparent” somewhere in there. For example, “transparent Chicken nuggets Tumblr”, “transparent words Tumblr’”. Tumblr has a wide range of possibilities, so just type in whatever you’re after. Paste the images in that you’re drawing.

Go to your Gmail account and click “Compose”. Download your image to your computer. Send the file to yourself. (Make sure you’re signed into Gmail on your phone. ) Open the file on your phone and press “Download”.