You can purchase multiple three inch wedges to gradually increase your mattress elevation so you can get used to the additional height.

If you’re having sliding problems, you can also try swapping silk or satin sheets for a less slippery material, like flannel.

Sleeping elevated on the left side is recommended to ease the symptoms of reflux disease.

It’s best to use a wedge or elevate the entire bed in order to ensure the head, neck, and chest are all elevated properly.

When you stick a bed foot into the riser’s well, the foam insert will mold to the foot’s shape. You can find specially designed risers online or at a nearby home improvement store. At around $15 (U. S. ), they’re more expensive than basic risers.

Avoid lightweight plastic products, as they’re not as safe as thick, heavy duty plastic, solid wood, or metal options.

Choose the widest blocks possible to reduce the risk of the feet slipping. You can also place non-slip pads, such as those you’d use to keep a rug from moving, under and on top of the blocks to reduce the risk of slipping. One pro is that you can start from a low height and gradually stack more books or blocks until you reach six to nine inches. That way, you can get used to the elevation without having to purchase multiple sets of bed risers.