How to Send One Email to All Your Outlook Contacts

Emailing everyone in your address book is as easy as adding all your contacts to the Bcc field.

Go to the Home tab, and select New Email to start a new message. In the new message window, select To. In the Select Names dialog box, highlight the contacts you want to email. To select all contacts, select the first contact in the list, press and hold the Shift key, then select the last contact. To exclude a contact, press Ctrl, and select a contact. Select Bcc to add the addresses to the Bcc field. When emailing multiple people, take their privacy into consideration. Add their addresses to the Bcc text box to hide every address from every recipient. Select OK. In the new message window, place the cursor in the To text box and type your email address.   Compose the email. Select Send.

Best Practices and Tips

Sending an email to many people at one time isn’t a common occurrence. If you plan to do this more than once, it’s faster to make a distribution list. That way, you can email one contact group that holds all of the other addresses within it.

Another good practice when sending mass emails is to address the email to a contact called undisclosed recipients. Not only is this more professional than having the email appear to be from you, but it also reinforces the idea that recipients should not Reply All.