Why Would You Turn Down Luna’s Display Quality?
If you have an older computer with limited space and processing, or even want to play more games on your smartphone or tablet, cloud gaming services can be just what you need. They do most of the hard work off-device, negating many hardware limitations.
From the Settings page, select Video Quality. The default setting is 1080p, but you can toggle the setting to 720p.
What Difference Does Using Luna’s 720p Feature Make?
We took the screenshot on the left at 720p and we took the screenshot on the right at 1080p, at almost the same place in the game. At 1080p some texture details might be a little crisper, light variance and depth might come through a little better, but the change is a lot less drastic than one might expect, even in visually complex games.
There wasn’t a noticeable improvement in the gameplay experience when we lowered the display quality, but there also wasn’t an issue running the game at the higher display quality setting either. At peak play hours, or when more people are on the network, a difference could be more noticeable.