Facial swelling Swelling of the head or neck Bone loss at the tooth root Drainage problems Damage to the jawbone which could require extensive surgery. Oral bacterial infections have been linked to more serious medical conditions such as heart disease, such as endocarditis.

After an x-ray reveals the shape of the root canals to determine if there are any signs of infection in the surrounding bone, you will be fitted with a rubber dam (a sheet of rubber) around the tooth. [3] X Research source This keeps the area dry and free of saliva during treatment, preventing bacteria from reaching the area. Your dentist or dental surgeon will drill an access hole into the tooth. They will then remove the pulp, bacteria, debris, and any decayed or remaining nerve tissue using a root canal file. They will periodically use water or sodium hypochlorite to flush away the debris and disinfect the roots. After the cleaning process is complete, your dentist will apply a sealant. If there is an infection, your dentist may wait up to a week, sometimes two, to apply the sealant. If you do not have the root canal on the same day, the dentist will place a temporary filling in the hole to protect it from contamination until your root canal. At the root canal appointment, your dentist or dental surgeon will seal the interior of the tooth with a sealer paste and fill the tooth’s root canal with a rubber compound called Gutta-percha. They will also place a filling in the tooth to seal the hole that has been made by the decay. This prevents the future infiltration of bacteria. The filling is the most important aspect of a long-lasting root canal treatment.

There may be some cases when there is no other solution, especially if you have been in pain for several days, and you will not want to postpone treatment.

Is the procedure absolutely necessary? Can the tooth recover without a root canal procedure? Should you (the dentist) do this procedure, or should I have a specialist do it? How many appointments will I need to make? Will I be able to return to work that day? The next day? How much will it cost? What will happen if I don’t get a root canal? Will the infection spread? Will my tooth break? How urgent is my situation? Can it wait a month? Does it need to be done immediately? Are there alternate methods currently available to fix/heal my tooth? What happens if the bacteria is not 100% removed before the tooth is sealed?

Oral sedatives. These can be taken anywhere from the night before the procedure to 30 – 60 minutes prior. These are to relieve anxiety prior to an injection of local anesthetic to alleviate pain. Intravenous (IV) sedation. These relieve anxiety in the same way as an oral sedative. An injection of local anesthetic before the procedure is required to alleviate pain. Nitrous oxide sedation. This gas (aka laughing gas) is a conscious inhalation sedation that produces a state of relaxation. An injection of local anesthetic is given simultaneously for pain elimination. General anesthesia. This is the use of an anesthetic to produce unconsciousness. There is no need for a local anesthetic as the patient is unconscious.

You may feel a short impulse when the file passes through the end of the root in the bone. That’s the sign that the entire root canal was cleaned and your dentist can calculate exactly the length of the root.

Try guided imagery meditation. Picturing yourself in a peaceful setting is a great form of meditating for the dentist’s chair. Imagine a quiet and motionless place, such as a deserted beach or mountaintop. Fill in all of the details: the sights, sounds, and smells. Soon enough, this peaceful image will replace the world around you and leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed. Deep breathing exercises are another great way to meditate and take your mind off of your current location/situation. Some dentists also use hypnosis as a form of patient relaxation, though this does not work for everyone.

An audio book of a favorite author can pass the time in a hurry. You can also choose to learn about a subject you’ve always wanted to investigate but have never gotten around to. You have a few hours; you might as well make the most of it. Listening to your favorite podcasts is another great way to keep your mind occupied.

Local anesthetics can affect each of us differently. Be aware of your physical condition before you decide to operate a vehicle or take an important business meeting. Make sure you also eat something before you arrive at the dental office, as local anesthesia might case nausea if your stomach is empty.

One of the dental instruments breaks off in your tooth. Your root canal is calcified. This is a “natural root canal”, your body’s way of performing the procedure on its own. A fractured tooth. This makes it impossible to complete the procedure because the fracture will compromise the integrity of the tooth even after your root canal is finished. If the root of your tooth is curved it could be impossible to guarantee being able to clean all the way to the tip of the root. Since the entire canal must be cleaned, this is an untenable situation and the procedure needs to be halted. Should this happen, discuss what your options are moving forward and, as before, take a day or two to research and consider the alternatives before speaking with your dentist or endodontist about the next step.