Being comfortable alone is a sign of healthy self-esteem.

Above all, contemplation is one of the most important self-building things you can do. Think about what makes you you. What do you believe in? Why? Are there any things that don’t seem right to you? What do you believe at face value (or accept as a matter of faith)?

For example, if you would have gone out to dinner or to a movie on a date, then take yourself out to a movie or to a nice restaurant.

Rediscover the fun to be had in simple exercises. Riding a bike around your neighborhood becomes less work and more fun as you do it. Be consistent. Exercise takes willpower and diligence. Make a schedule and stick to it. Keep it easy at first and you will discover your limits. Or, join a gym and create new friends there.

Consider spending some time with classics such as Moby Dick, Romeo and Juliet, The Martian Chronicles, or Great Expectations. Read a genre novel. For sci-fi, try Fahrenheit 451, and for horror, check out Salem’s Lot. If you want a fantasy novel, read Harry Potter. Check out some poetry, such as “Charge of the Light Brigade,” “Ulysses,” “She Walks In Beauty,” or “How Do I Love Thee. " If you’re interested in philosophy, you may want to read works by Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche, Descartes, Aristotle, Kant, Rand, and Marx.

Listening to natural sounds like the sound of the thunder and rain, chirping birds, flowing rivers and such more sounds helps you clear your mind. It helps in relaxing and de-stressing, thus, leaves you happier and more calm when you are alone.

Alternatively, you could play tabletop games like Dixit or King of Tokyo. There are games for every interest and skill level![14] X Research source

You could focus on a specific subject, like geography or history, or learn a foreign language.

Learning isn’t exclusive to books (although they are a great source of knowledge). You can learn to do anything by just practicing. Look for tutorials online if you’re new to the field.

Don’t be fooled into thinking a smaller animal like a rabbit or bird won’t need lots of care - a rabbit needs daily human contact and several hours of time to run about a day, not to mention cleaning it out. Fully research any animal you are considering as a pet then go to your local animal shelter, there are hundreds of lovely animals there just waiting for a home! Some animal shelters will let you ‘foster’ a pet, which gives the animal a much needed break from the confines of the shelter and gives you the companionship you crave without a long-term commitment.