If you don’t like certain exercises, like lifting weights, you don’t have to do them. Some people find exercising outdoors (especially in nature) to be particularly satisfying. Try getting outside and going for a long walk, trail run, or hike at your local park. Many people enjoy revisiting activities they did as children. If you were a very active child (perhaps you biked everywhere or ran around the block to unwind), think about ways to revisit your childhood and incorporate that into your workout. If you like exploring your city or town, go for long bike rides. It’s a great way to get exercise while seeing the sights or running errands.

There’s a good chance your smartphone might have come with a fitness app already on it. If not, you can download one for free or for a low cost. Look for apps like MyFitnessPal, MapMyFitness, Moves, Fitness Buddy, and Tabata. Most fitness apps have spoken instructions that can let you know your progress, tell you when to start/stop running, and keep track of time during your workout. You can listen to music through some workout apps if you have mp3s saved on your phone. Workout apps typically tell you how many miles/kilometers you’ve traveled, how long it took you to travel that distance, and how many calories you’ve burned. Many apps will also chart your route on a map (using your device’s GPS) so you can see your route and follow it again in the future. There are many workout apps on the market today. Read other users’ reviews online to find one that works best for you.

The best songs to exercise to tend to have at least 120 beats per minute (BPM). You can find out a song’s BPM by searching online. Stick with songs that have a positive message that will help you stay motivated. Choose songs that make you tap your fingers or feet. Anything that makes you want to move will probably help you work out. Choose something fun and exciting for your first track to help you get going, then choose fast-tempo music for the mid section of your workout. That’s when you’ll need motivation the most. Something with a catchy, steady rhythm is a good choice, as it will likely help you keep moving once fatigue sets in. Add motivational and/or catchy songs for the tail end of your workout, as your endurance will really be lagging by that point. Throw in one or two slower songs (like ballads) for the cool down part of your workout. You’ll want to slow your breathing and heartbeat as you slowly walk off the workout, so something slower and more relaxing would be ideal.

Look for gyms that specify they are supportive and inclusive of all body types. If you can’t find a whole gym that’s supportive, look for specific workout groups. You can find these at your local gym, or through online meet up groups. Search online for supportive or body-positive workout groups in your area.

Whether your aim was to lose weight, run a set distance without stopping, or exercise on consecutive days for a week in a row, it’s important to celebrate those victories. Make sure you reward yourself in ways that won’t compromise your newfound healthy lifestyle. Instead of going out for ice cream or alcoholic beverages, try treating yourself to a healthy homemade dinner, a hot bath, or some time watching your favorite show. Increase your reward as you prolong your workout regimen. For example, after a month you might treat yourself to something more expensive, like a movie or album you’ve been wanting. A reward that might keep you motivated is a new pair of running shoes (if you run), or some other type of workout gear. Investing money in something to help you work out might help you commit to your healthier lifestyle.

Your body’s muscles adjust and adapt to a workout routine in about six to eight weeks. If you don’t change up your routine, you may find that your progress stalls after this period. [8] X Expert Source Kevin RichardsonCelebrity Personal Trainer Expert Interview. 19 February 2021. One easy way to alter your routine is by increasing the intensity of your workouts. You can do this by adding more weights (if you lift weights) or by walking/running/biking faster and/or farther in short bursts (sometimes called interval training). [9] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source If you walk, add some light jogging. If you jog or run, add some sprinting intervals by setting your sights on a target ahead of you and sprinting as fast as you can. Then resume your normal jogging/running/walking speed. Sometimes just changing up the sequence of your workout can help make a difference. You’ll essentially be retraining your muscles in a new pattern, which can help break out of your old, repetitive routine. If changing the sequence doesn’t do much, you can try switching out different exercises into your regimen. For example, switch to bench presses instead of squats, or cut your run five minutes short and go for a quick bike ride around the block.

Try some new and emerging fitness trend. This can help you explore your workout options while feeling like you’re on the cutting edge of a new trend. You can find new classes at your local gym, community center, or local college/university. Search around online to find out about new classes being offered in your area.

Group workout classes allow you to exercise in a safe, fun, and social environment. The workout you get in a group exercise class is designed for maximum efficiency and safety, plus it offers a consistent schedule for your exercise regimen. You can find group exercise classes at your local gym, community center, and many colleges/universities. Some are open to the public, while others may require a membership fee. Try out a few different classes, and don’t get discouraged if things don’t click right away. Sometimes it takes a while to find an instructor, music style, or setting that works best for you.

Try to choose a friend who can stay motivated. Otherwise you might be working double duty, keeping both you and your friend on your workout routine. [14] X Research source Let your friend know that you’re looking to commit to a serious workout routine, and that this isn’t just a short-term, passing interest. Make sure your friend is also willing to commit for the long haul. Don’t rely solely on your workout buddy. There will be days where your friend can’t make it, and you’ll need to commit to going out and exercising alone if you need to.

Some studies have shown that working out because it feels good and manages stress is a better motivator than working out just to lose weight. You can still make exercise part of your weight loss plan, but don’t stop working out if exercise alone isn’t dropping the pounds. Remind yourself that you’ll feel happier and less stressed with exercise, and you’ll sleep better at night. Those factors can help you stick with it if your scale starts to frustrate you.

By anticipating your excuses before they arise, you’ll be able to recognize them as they arise and work around them. If money is an issue, for example, you can exercise outdoors instead of joining a gym. If you can’t find time to exercise, try getting up an hour earlier or staying up an hour later. You can also try making exercise part of your daily commute by riding your bike to work instead of driving. If you’re really short on time, you can break your workout up into smaller sessions. Even working out 15 to 20 minutes at a time is an option, especially if you can do multiple short sessions throughout the day. Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise. Even short sessions will bring tremendous health benefits compared to doing nothing at all.

Flow involves total immersion in the moment. People who achieve flow tend to feel happier and more fulfilled with their activities. Flow focuses on the process of working towards a goal rather than just centering on achievement. To achieve flow when you exercise, set clear and specific goals for every workout session. Listen to your body and mind for feedback during your workout. If you’re pushing yourself too hard, or not hard enough, your body and mind should register the situation through soreness or a sense of not doing enough.

Starting out slowly will make the transition to exercising easier on your body. It can also help your brain develop stronger associations between exercise and pleasure. Start out with sessions that last around 5 to 10 minutes, especially if you’re new to exercise or haven’t done it in a while. Gradually add 5 to 10 minutes to your workout every week or two, but don’t rush too fast. Doubling your workout time in a week could potentially cause injuries and may make exercise less fun. Aim to eventually (after a few months) reach 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day, and try to work out around five days a week (or more if you feel capable).