Don’t be afraid to wear cute underwear while you’re on your period. You’re probably going to reach for your most worn out pair of undies, but resist! Boring skivvies can put a damper on your mood, so put a pair on that make you feel great. If you’re afraid of stains, a thin pantyliner can solve that problem. [1] X Research source
Make some snacks (bonus points if they’re ones that reduce symptoms), find a movie, and snuggle on the couch for a while. Sometimes the best thing for your body is rest. Don’t feel guilty for vegging out for a couple of hours while you watch something good on TV.
Why are sugar, salt, and coffee bad? Sugar spikes your blood sugar which can actually make you more irritable. Salt can cause you to feel even more bloated, and caffeine elevates estrogen production, which can cause more extreme PMS symptoms. [2] X Research source Try to consume leafy greens, salmon, whole grains, bananas, and yogurt instead. Packed with all sorts of vitamins, these foods will reduce your symptoms so you can enjoy yourself and forget about your period.
You don’t necessarily need to run a marathon or hike a mountain to get some exercise. Grab a friend and try a spin class, take your dog for a walk around your neighborhood, or break out your yoga mat and do some sun salutations. Anything that gets your body moving and active will make you feel better. Leaks sometimes happen during exercise. Therefore, it’s a good idea to use a tampon over a pad to prevent leaks. If you’re having a particularly heavy month, using a tampon and a pad may help with leak protection. You could also try wearing darker workout clothes in case a leak occurs.
There are a lot of different oils out there, but a few, in particular, can be helpful during your period. Bergamot and clary sage keep your mood stable, geranium is wonderful if you’re feeling crabby, and lavender helps you relax. White peppermint can relieve headaches and grapefruit and lemon are great for bloating. [4] X Research source
Always follow the dosage information on the bottle and talk to your doctor if you’re unsure or have any questions before taking medication.
You can purchase a heating pad at most drug stores. Make sure you read instructions before use, as some heating pads should be wrapped in a blanket or towel. Never leave a heating pad plugged in overnight or unattended.
Marking the general time your period will arrive each month with a discreet red dot in your planner or your phone’s calendar is an easy way to remind yourself when it will happen. They even make apps, like Period Tracker, that help you keep track of your flow. Wearing a super thin pad or a pantyliner around the time you’re expecting your period can prevent an embarrassing leak.
If you get caught off guard with your period, don’t be afraid to ask somebody for a tampon or pad. A lot of people have periods and many of them have been caught in the same situation. Nobody is going to laugh or make fun of you.
If you are transgender or nonbinary (or don’t identify as a woman), try not to be ashamed of your period. Millions of people have periods but don’t identify as a woman.
If you have just started your period, it’s common for your period to be irregular for the first few years. Irregular periods can be caused by a variety of health conditions, such as ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, and habits like exercise and weight loss. If your periods are irregular, finding the cause can cut back on worry. This can allow you to enjoy your periods more when they do occur. Your doctor may be able to treat your irregular periods. Birth control can help control your period. Talk to your doctor about getting on birth control if irregular menstruation prevents you from enjoying your period.