Your PS3 starts up but the XMB menu doesn’t come up (you only see the wave screen, instead). Your PS3 starts up but nothing happens on the screen. You see an error that says, “The hard disk’s file system is corrupted and will be restored” but the restoration process is not successful, or you see that same error repeatedly. Your console stops working during an update, or after the restart that follows an update.

The first beep tells you that the PS3 is powering on. Keep holding. After about 5 seconds, the second beep signifies the video reset. After another 5 seconds, the system will power off again and the power light will go red.

Restart System: This takes your PS3 out of safe mode and restarts it normally. Restore Default Settings: Restores your system to defaults and removes the Sony Entertainment Network account information from your PS3. Restore File System: This tries to repair the drive. Any corrupted data may be deleted, so use it with caution. Rebuild Database: This deletes all your old messages, playlists, custom changes, video playback/resume history, thumbnails, etc. It may take a while! Restore PS3 System: This is a complete restoration of your system, back to the state it was in when you bought it. You will lose data if you use this. System Update: This allows you to update your PS3 system software, if you have an update file already saved on an external drive (like a USB drive).