Have a firm knowledge and understanding of atomic mass, electron configuration, atomic number, protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.

The columns of the periodic table are called “groups” while the rows are called “periods. ” The table is split up into metals and non-metals. [4] X Research source Knowing the chemical symbol of an element will also help you when working with inorganic equations.

There are also attractive forces that allow for weak bonding between molecules called hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Bonding specifically between metal ions is referred to as metallic bonding.

In books, many reactions are written for the same element to illustrate its chemical properties. Once you understand the basic concept, the rest should fall into place. Don’t forget to balance your reactions. [6] X Research source

The ligand and the complex geometries that result in these complexes are an important aspect of inorganic chemistry that must be mastered.

Find the fun in inorganic chemistry. Try to apply some of the concepts to the real world and solve real problems with what you’re learning. [8] X Research source

Write up a study plan that designates certain topics to specific days of the week for study. Spreading out the studying over time will help you avoid cramming for the exam later. [10] X Research source

Choose a time of day where you are most alert. If inorganic chemistry is the subject you struggle with the most, study it first so you are not too tired by other subjects. [11] X Research source

If your instructor allows it, record the lectures so that you have all of the information. You should still take notes, however, as this will help you retain the information better.

Choose a location for studying that will promote learning, such as the library.

Redo your homework assignments, answer questions in the back of the book, and seek out more problems online.

If your professor’s office hours conflict with another one of your courses, ask your professor about scheduling another time to meet up and ask questions.