For example, start off by walking for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. After 1 to 2 weeks, work your way up to 30 minutes. Try to pick up your pace, too. You might start by walking 1⁄2 mile (0. 80 km) in 15 minutes, then work your way up to 2 to 3 miles (3. 2 to 4. 8 km) in 30 minutes. When you do strengthening exercises, start with 2 sets of 8 repetitions (such as 8 push-ups). Then add 1 to 2 additional reps per week until you can do a set of 12 to 14.

If you’re swimming, go slowly at first, then pick up your pace. Before an upper body workout, walk or jog and do light jumping jacks to raise your heart rate and increase blood flow.

When you’re exercising at moderate intensity, your heart rate should increase and you should breathe harder. You should still be able to speak, but you should be winded enough that you can’t sing. Keep in mind you can break your workout times into chunks and spread them throughout the day. Being active for 5 or 10 minutes at a time is a good way to ease your way into exercise if you’re not used to it.

A sample intermediate upper body workout could be 2 sets of 30-second planks and 2 sets of 12 reps each for crunches, push-ups, dumbbell biceps curls, and dumbbell shoulder presses. To strengthen your legs, do 2 sets of 12 reps each for squats, glute bridges, calf raises, and lunges. Generally, rest for 30 to 60 seconds between sets. If building muscle power is your goal and you’re doing high-intensity weight lifting, resting for 3 minutes can result in greater increases in strength. [5] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source You can do strength training at home or use resistance machines at a local gym.

For instance, you could jog on Monday, do upper body strength training Tuesday, swim laps on Wednesday, do a lower body workout Thursday, take a yoga class on Friday, ride your bike Saturday, and go for a light walk on Sunday. On strength training days, get your daily aerobic exercise by warming up and cooling down with brisk walks, doing jumping jacks, or jumping rope. Climbing stairs and going for a walk during your lunch break can help you squeeze in 5 or 10 more minutes of aerobic exercise throughout the day. Avoid targeting the same muscle group 2 days in a row. Don’t, for instance, do biceps curls and shoulder presses on back-to-back days. Muscles need time to recover, and overworking them can lead to injury.

Stretch individual muscles for a total of 30 to 60 seconds. For example, you might do 3 to 4 quad stretches per leg and hold each stretch for 10 seconds. [8] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the Public Go to source Avoid stretching before you exercise, which poses an injury risk. Stretching after exercise, when your muscles are warm, can help them recover and improve your flexibility.

If you’re elderly or have a history of joint issues, jogging may be tough on your knees, hips, and ankles. Respect your body’s limits and, if necessary, stick to walking.

If you need to stop, take a break and catch your breath. Try jumping rope for gradually longer periods of time. You could aim to add 30 seconds or a minute to your time each week until you can jump for at least 5 minutes straight.

As with jumping rope, take a break if you feel too winded, and try to gradually increase the length of time you can do jumping jacks.

As you get used to being active, try to work your way up to 5 miles (8. 0 km) in 30 minutes. Eventually, aim to cover 4 miles (6. 4 km) in 15 minutes.

In addition to swimming laps, you could do water aerobics or just walk around in a pool. These are good options for people with joint problems or those who are significantly overweight.

Each week, try to add another minute to your running time. Eventually, see if you can run 1 mile (1. 6 km) straight, track your time, and try to cut down your time each time you run. Running might be tough on your legs if you’re elderly or have a history of bone or joint issues. Remember to respect your body’s limits.

Warm up by walking briskly for 5 to 10 minutes, then jog for 5 to 10 minutes. After jogging, sprint for 30 to 60 seconds, then jog for 5 minutes. Alternate running for 30 to 60 seconds with 5 minutes of jogging at least 2 to 3 times, then cool down by walking for 5 to 10 minutes.

Straighten your arms, but don’t lock your elbows. Hold yourself up for a second, then inhale as you slowly lower yourself back down so that your nose nearly touches the ground. Repeat the steps to complete 2 sets of 12 reps. To mix up your routine, set your palms at a wider distance as you perform push-ups. You could also hold yours arms close to your body as you do push-ups to shift the work from your chest to your triceps.

Keep your head, neck, and back in a straight line as you hold the pose. Avoid looking up; keep your head in a neutral position so you face the floor. If 30 seconds isn’t challenging, try holding the plank for 1 minute or more. Remember to keep breathing normally as you hold the plank.

Lift your torso until your shoulder blades are off of the floor, hold for 1 to 2 seconds, then inhale as you slowly lower yourself back to the ground. Repeat the steps to complete 2 sets of 12 reps. Use slow, controlled motions to avoid injury and make your muscles work harder. If you place your hands behind your head, do not use them to pull up your head and neck. To avoid injury, just rest your fingertips on the back of your head, or cross your hands over your chest.

Hold the lifted position for 1 to 2 seconds, then inhale as you slowly lower yourself back into starting position. Repeat the steps, and complete 2 sets of 12 bridges. To increase difficulty, try holding yourself in the raised position, then raise and extend 1 leg straight. Lower the leg back to the floor, repeat on the other side, then lower yourself to the floor.

Stick your rear end out as you lower your hips so your weight is back on your heels. Keep your knees and toes aligned, and avoid bending your knees past your toes. Continue lowering yourself until your thighs are roughly parallel with the floor, then push your feet into the floor through your heels to raise yourself back to the starting position. Inhale as you lower yourself, and exhale as you exert your legs and lift yourself. Repeat the steps to complete 2 sets of 12 squats.

After the push-up, pull your legs back to the crouched position, and then jump straight up with your hands raised to return to the standing position. Repeat to complete 2 sets of 12 burpees.

Choose weights that challenge you, but still allow you to maintain proper form. Watch yourself in the mirror, and make sure your reps are smooth, steady, and controlled. If you look out of balance or struggle to make it through a set, choose lighter weights. [20] X Research source Try doing 2 sets of 12 biceps curls. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a dumbbell weight in each hand by your sides. Bend your elbows, keeping them close to your side, to lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. Inhale as you lower back to the starting position, and exhale when you exert your biceps. Do shoulder presses by raising the dumbbells by your shoulders with your elbows bent. Exhale as you extend your arms straight above your head, bring the dumbbells back to your shoulders, and repeat to complete 2 sets of 12. Consult a trainer or experienced friend to ensure you use proper form. If you use resistance machines at the gym, have a trainer instruct you on proper use.

To stretch your hamstrings, sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Reach toward your toes as far as you can until you feel a stretch in the backs of your legs, then hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. To stretch your quads, stand and use a chair or wall for support. Bring your right foot toward your rear end, grab your toes with your right hand, and gently pull until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds, then repeat on your left leg. For a simple shoulder stretch, gently pull your right elbow across the front of your body towards the opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in your right shoulder and back. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds, then repeat on your other arm. Stretch your calves by standing next to a wall, then place your palms flat against it at shoulder height. Keeping your arms straight and feet on the floor, extend your right leg back, and bend your left knee slightly. Press into the wall until you feel a stretch in your right calf, hold the pose for 15 to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

From yoga to tai chi, taking a group class is a great way to stick with an exercise routine. Adding a social component can make staying active more fun, and you might feel a greater need to hold yourself accountable.

While group classes might liven up your routine, you can also look for Pilates DVDs or online video guides.

Learning how to line dance or attending a dance-exercise class might be fun, but you could also put on your favorite tunes and dance around your house.

Look for tai chi classes at a local gym or studio, or find online video guides.

For instance, do squats while you wait for water to boil or for your coffee to be ready. Squeeze in a minute for planks when you first wake up in the morning. Take 5-minute breaks every hour at work to walk around the office and stretch.

You could also try sitting on an exercise ball instead of a desk chair. Since you’ll need to engage your core muscles to keep yourself steady on the ball, it’s a bit like a workout even though you’re seated.

Climbing stairs can burn up to twice as many calories as walking for the same amount of time.

If work is too far away to cycle, you could take a bus and get off a few stops early to walk the rest of the way. Some buses have bike racks or allow folding bikes on board, so you could also split your commute between cycling and riding the bus. When you do drive, try parking a few blocks away from your destination, or at the far end of a shopping center’s parking lot.

If you experience pain, dizziness, inability to catch your breath, or any other concerning symptoms during exercise, you should talk to a doctor.

Sports drinks can also help you replace salts and minerals lost in sweat. However, if you’re trying to lose weight, limit your consumption of sports drinks, as they contain lots of sugar and can add extra calories to your diet. It’s also wise to eat a healthy source of protein or complex carbs after exercising. Examples include fruit, nuts, a peanut butter sandwich, lean meat, cheese, whole grain crackers, or a protein bar.

Make sure your clothes suit the weather. Wear short sleeves and light, breathable fabrics in hot temperatures, and wear layers if it’s cold.

If you believe you’ve injured yourself, you might be able to treat it at home. Rest, apply ice for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours, compress the injured area with athletic tape, and try to keep it raised around heart level. To manage pain, take over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen. [34] X Research source Seek medical attention if you hear a pop, experience severe pain, have uncontrolled bleeding, can’t move or bear weight on a joint, or if mild to moderate symptoms don’t improve within 1 to 2 weeks.

Shoes should fit comfortably; they shouldn’t feel tight, and your toes should reach the shoes’ tips without being constricted. Always try on both shoes of a pair when checking their fit. Go with shoes that match the activity you’re doing, such as running shoes or basketball shoes. Different activities put stress on your feet in different ways. For instance, running shoes provide the flexibility required for a proper running step, but lack the ankle support needed for tennis or basketball.