One proven way to grow new neurons is to learn. The existing axons, dendrites, and synapses, need to be maintained so don’t get lazy. Continue to perform the things you already do, including sports, reading, puzzles, exercise, crafts, or music. The key to growing new neurons is to teach yourself something different, maybe even something that feels awkward at first. Neuroplasticity of the brain, or the ability to grow new brain cells, happens if you take charge and expose your brain to something different.

Even doing familiar things in a different way can help. For example, navigate your way through your home, safely, while walking backwards. Try anything you can think of that creates a challenge for your brain, but it must be something that requires you to think.

Get dressed in the morning with your eyes shut or a blind-fold on. [3] X Research source Wear headphones that suppress sound while trying to verbally communicate with a friend. Include speaking and trying to understand what they are saying by mouth movements and hand gestures. [4] X Research source If you play the piano, try playing a simple and familiar piece with your eyes shut, or with two fingers taped together. [5] X Research source Try playing a simple piece using all fingers, but play the bass clef using your right hand and above middle C, and the treble clef with your left hand and below middle C. [6] X Research source Use your non-dominant hand for routine activities. Try brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and using a computer mouse using your non-dominant hand. [7] X Research source Write with your non-dominant hand. [8] X Research source Try writing several sentences from memory, perhaps the first verse of a familiar poem or song, making the letters upside down, as a mirror image, or from right to left on the page. [9] X Research source Try playing your favorite sport using your non-dominant hand. [10] X Research source Break your routines. Put your shoes on in the opposite order. Mow the yard in the opposite direction. Think of other frequent routines and alter their order. [11] X Research source Go for an early morning walk simply to identify smells around you. [12] X Research source Try to identify the ingredients in a meal just from taste and smell. [13] X Research source

The point of the study was to increase whole brain blood flow using only mental exercises. [15] X Research source When blood flow to the brain slows down, atrophy of brain tissues results. Atrophy in the brain means that cells degenerate, important communicate pathways degrade, and the brain tissue and important structures shrink away. [16] X Research source The study enrolled people of all ages that had suffered a traumatic brain injury, with about 65% of the enrollees having suffered the brain injury at least 10 years prior. [17] X Research source Part of the group was exposed to strategy-based brain training, and the others were exposed to general teaching materials, for the same amount of time, about how the brain works. [18] X Research source The group that received the strategy-based training improved abstract thinking scores by more than 20%, memory function measures improved by 30%, and the whole brain blood flow showed a significant increase as compared to the control group. [19] X Research source Many of the group participants also suffered from symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Depressive symptoms were improved in the strategy-based training group by 60% and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms improved by almost 40%. [20] X Research source Strategy-based brain training really works to increase whole brain blood flow and can help to prevent brain shrinkage. [21] X Research source

Strategy brain games are any games that you have to think about to solve. Do a crossword puzzle, a word-scramble puzzle, complete a Sudoku puzzle, or put together an actual table-top puzzle. Puzzle games that are not left to chance, that require you to think about them to solve them, are considered strategy-based brain games. [23] X Research source Play with another person. Games like chess, Go, or even checkers, involve thinking about your moves, and anticipating the moves of the person you are playing against. [24] X Research source

A few hours after you have completed the list, or even the next day, try to remember everything on it. [26] X Research source

As you get more comfortable with the easier problems, work your way into harder math. Make it even more interesting by taking a walk while you do the calculations in your head. [28] X Research source

One way is to think of other words that start and end with the same letters, or think of words that have more syllables than the first one but still rhyme. [30] X Research source

If you already play an instrument, learn to play a different one. [32] X Research source Join a singing group. Even if you cannot sing well, joining a choir or vocal group will significantly expand your brain function on several levels. [33] X Research source You will learn to understand organization of the music on the pages you will be singing, timing and rhythm, and organized singing. Plus, you will be exposed socially to a new group of people which provides a wonderful opportunity to expand your brain even further as you learn about music. [34] X Research source

Taking a class in something that you do not know how to do, but are interested in learning, helps to develop new pathways in your brain. This happens both by learning the new material and interacting with new people in a new environment. [36] X Research source

New languages also help to expand your vocabulary which is associated with higher cognitive functioning. Plus, hearing and speaking a new language develops new pathways in your brain. [38] X Research source

Golf is a sport that you can basically play alone, but it is more challenging when you play with someone. This creates additional experiences for your brain to organize and react to, and therefore the growth of new brain cells and pathways result. [40] X Research source

If you have children, have conversations with them. The more conversations you have with your child, the smarter they will be. [42] X Research source

The more diverse your friends are, the more your brain is challenged to become creative both in conversation and in participation of different types of social interactions. [44] X Research source

Create an exercise routine that includes one hour sessions, three times a week, and basic exercises like walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. [46] X Research source Stay with your exercise routine for at least 12 weeks in order to improve your brain fitness, cognitive abilities, and thinking skills. [47] X Research source A recent study done in sedentary people, aged 57 to 75 years of age, supports this level of exercise with scientific data. [48] X Research source The exercise group showed rapid improvement in circulating blood flow to areas of the brain, significant improvement in both immediate and delayed areas of memory function, improved cognitive abilities, frontal lobe functioning, visuospatial skills, processing speed, and overall improved cognition. Cardiovascular measures included as part of the study design were also notably improved. [49] X Research source The authors interpret the study results as further indication that any person, at any age, can take steps through the use of physical exercise to positively influences brain neuroplasticity. [50] X Research source

Two different studies, one in female college students, and one in male college students, validated much improved recall of vocabulary words studied when associated with exercise. The female students did the best when they were exposed to their vocabulary words for 30 minutes while they were also exercising. The form of exercise in this study was riding a stationary bicycle for 30 minutes. [51] X Trustworthy Source PLOS ONE Online peer-reviewed, open access scientific research journal Go to source The male students were divided into groups that included no exercise, moderate exercise, or vigorous exercise. The improvement was noted in the students that were exposed to their vocabulary words either immediately prior, or immediately after, vigorous exercise.

Exercise increases you levels of BDNF. [53] X Trustworthy Source PLOS ONE Online peer-reviewed, open access scientific research journal Go to source Your BDNF levels fall back to normal ranges approximately 30 minutes after stopping your exercise routine so take advantage of that time. Tackle a difficult project from work or study for an exam as soon as you can following your exercise routine. [54] X Trustworthy Source PLOS ONE Online peer-reviewed, open access scientific research journal Go to source

When structures in the brain lose volume, or start to shrink, our brain function declines along with the parts of the brain that are shrinking. Exercise helps to prevent shrinkage. [56] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source The prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, structures in the brain that support memory function and higher-level cognitive functions, begin to shrink at a rate of about 1% to 2% each year for people over the age of 55 years. [57] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Research done in 2010 showed the first documented evidence that exercising early in life helps to prevent shrinkage in the brain in later years, reducing the risk of cognitive decline. [58] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Stretching and muscle tone exercises do very little to nothing to improve brain function. [60] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Whatever you do, it needs to be something that requires active participation. [61] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Walking on a treadmill and riding a stationary bicycle count as actively participating. [62] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source This type of aerobic exercise helps not only to maintain brain abilities but can actually help to recover abilities that may be fading away. Even when the aging process, medical conditions, and even brain injury, are working against you, exercising is your proven way to fight back. [63] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source So get up and move. Walk using a treadmill or a calculated and safe path, ride a stationary bicycle or a regular one if safety permits, and possibly even participate in competitive sports like tennis. [64] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Competitive and active sports, such as tennis, may provide even greater benefit since other areas of the brain are engaged. The additional parts of brain exposure involve socializing, problem-solving, visuospatial reaction, anticipation, and reaction times. [65] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Active and persistent exercise, specifically running, has been associated with significant improvements in cognitive flexibility. [67] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

The frontal lobe is the center of your executive function and also integrates communication throughout the rest of your brain in order to carry out your executive function decisions. Executive function abilities are needed for organizing the information that is coming into the brain and to regulate how your respond. Examples include time management, attention processes, multi-tasking and switching focus, being detail oriented when needed, controlling what you say and do, and making decisions based on you own prior experiences.

Physical play helps to sharpen your executive function skills as you anticipate and react to constantly changing situations. [71] X Research source

Think of positive scenarios and develop them into stories, or chapters within a story. [73] X Research source Find images in the clouds, imagine a conversation between ducks and fish, create a painting in your head of your favorite song, or do anything that engages your imagination. [74] X Research source Using your imagination stimulates your brain to release chemicals that are rewarding and engaging. Firing brain neurons along axons, dendrites, and synapses, that are seldom used is key in growing new ones. [75] X Research source

Some people and situations can be very dramatic. Keep a positive and problem-solving attitude when faced with negative circumstances. [77] X Research source

Positive social interactions are healthy and can help to develop new pathways in your brain when you are in an unfamiliar, yet positive, situation. Social interaction is important to creating new brain pathways. [79] X Research source Your brain is constantly learning and utilizing executive function skills as you interact with other people, formulate your response to situations, and consider possible reactions of the other person and react accordingly. [80] X Research source

Exposure to music has been proven as an aid to improve your IQ and enhance the ability to learn. Reading and literacy skills improve, spatial-temporal reasoning is enhanced, and mathematical abilities are improved. [82] X Research source Some styles of music has been tied to bad outcomes, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, criminal activity, and even suicidal behavior. [83] X Research source Other styles of music are linked to early development of visuospatial abilities, better math performance, improved ability to learn a foreign language, and an overall healthy lifestyle. [84] X Research source

The group exposed to rock music, including disharmonic beats, behaved in a disorganized, confused, and lost manner. That group forgot their way to food in a maze they had already located. [86] X Research source Two other groups, one exposed to only classical music and one to no music at all were able to find their way through the maze to the food, actually performing even faster. [87] X Research source With further study, the scientists found frontal lobe shrinkage and hippocampal damage in the group exposed to the rock music with disharmonic beats. [88] X Research source While several studies suggest that rock music, or possibly the binaural beats within rock music, has a negative influence, other research supports music of choice, including rock music, as a good way to engage your brain and develop additional neuronal pathways.

Critical thinking is a method of analyzing, evaluating, and making decisions. Most people take thinking for granted and overlook the need to evaluate thinking habits and develop new and positive ways to critically evaluate and react to daily circumstances. [90] X Research source Realize that it takes both time to evaluate, change, and develop critical thinking skills, and practice to arrive at the level you want. Just as a professional athlete or musician continues to sharpen their talents and abilities, you can work to sharpen your thinking skills. [91] X Research source Improving your critical thinking ability requires approaching information and decision making by avoiding prejudice, over-generalization, common fallacies or pre-determined beliefs, deception, and rigidity and narrowness in your thinking. [92] X Research source Doing things that are concrete helps to bring your thinking processes to light, and helps you to make changes that improve your critical thinking. Any one step can be helpful, but actively and routinely practicing changes over time improves your thinking ability.

Use that valuable time to ask yourself questions that can improve your approach to the next day. Ask questions that help you evaluate what you did well that day, or not so well. Consider your strengths and weaknesses of the day so far. [94] X Research source If possible, record your answers so you can develop your thoughts in those areas even further. [95] X Research source

Avoid becoming overwhelmed or emotional and work through the problem in an organized, logical, and thoughtful manner. [97] X Research source Consider factors like short-term solutions as opposed to long-term solutions, the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions you are considering, and develop a workable strategy to solve the problem. [98] X Research source

For example, during the week you focus on clarity you may want to think about how clearly you communicated something during a meeting or in a conversation with your spouse or a friend. Think about ways you might have improved on your clarity. [100] X Research source Also consider how clear others have communicated information to you, or to a group. [101] X Research source Clarity in writing is just as important. Evaluate your own written communications, those of others, and in published literature. [102] X Research source

Write about situations in which you were involved, how you responded, your analysis of things apparent and hidden in the situation, and an assessment of what you learned about yourself in the process. [104] X Research source

Think about each trait and develop a strategy to improve that trait in yourself. Possibly include your progress in your journal. [106] X Research source Keep your focus on your selected trait throughout the month. Continually evaluate your performance noting improvement, setbacks, and additional work needed. [107] X Research source

Ask yourself questions to help identify situations where you may have placed too much emphasis on your own opinion. Include questions that help you evaluate any actions you may have taken based on irritability over unimportant or small things, saying or doing things irrationally to push things your way, or situations where you imposed your own will or opinion on others. [109] X Research source Once you recognize your egocentric reactions, take steps to modify your thinking to correct those behaviors. [110] X Research source

Every situation has the potential to be positive or negative. Seeing the positive in a situation leads one to feel more rewarded, less frustrated, and overall happier. [112] X Expert Source Rahti Gorfien, PCCLife Coach Expert Interview. 17 December 2019. Take the opportunity to turn mistakes into opportunities, and dead-ends into beginnings. [113] X Research source

Take the opportunity to explore what is causing your negative emotion and find a way to turn that into a positive reaction. [116] X Research source

Analyze the groups in your own life that influence your decisions and your actions. Consider pressures placed on you by the group and evaluate those pressures as being positive or negative. Consider how you can adjust your own reaction to negative pressures without damaging relationships or altering the group dynamic. [118] X Research source

Develop and implement strategies that use your personal experiences in order to further influence and develop your critical thinking skills. [120] X Research source

The researchers found more than what they were looking for. The study revealed that eating a healthy diet actually improves executive functioning in the frontal lobe. The results also strongly suggest that eating a healthy diet can shield the brain against aging processes that lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Study participants that had the best scores also were more interested in physical activity and in avoiding habits like smoking.

Talk to your doctor about your cholesterol levels. There may be ways to effectively address any levels that are not within the normal range. Interventions recommended by your doctor can include both prescription medications as well as non-medication options. Some study participants showed results as high as 66% reduction in the odds of developing poor executive function based solely on healthy levels of saturated fat intake which contributes to lower cholesterol levels.

Some medical conditions known to contribute to an overall decline in brain function include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, vascular disease, and obesity.

Scientific evaluations of supplements that claim benefit in improving brain function, preventing memory loss, improving memory function, treating dementia, or slowing Alzheimer’s disease, reveal those claims to be unsubstantiated. [122] X Research source To date, there is no evidence to support the claims of efficacy that any dietary or herbal supplement can prevent decline in functioning or improve problems in memory function. This includes products such as ginkgo, omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, vitamins B and E, Asian ginseng, grape seed extract, and curcumin. [123] X Research source While there is no evidence to support any claims of efficacy of these products, scientists are continuing to study some of these agents to determine if there is any possible benefit. [124] X Research source Research involving mindfulness techniques and music therapy is ongoing, with preliminary results showing some promise in these areas. [125] X Research source

While some approaches may be helpful to your condition, your physician can provide a tremendous amount of information that may direct your care in a manner that has proven results. [127] X Research source Many complementary approaches that include herbal medicines and some vitamin products can seriously interact with prescription strength medications. [128] X Research source Talk to your doctor before you try any products to treat symptoms of decline in cognitive abilities or evidence of memory loss. [129] X Research source