You can pat your face with a clean towel so it’s not dripping but it’s not necessary to dry it completely. You want your skin to be slightly damp when you exfoliate. For oily skin, choose an oil-free gel or foaming formula that will remove excess oils and deep clean your pores. For dry skin, choose a cream or oil-based formula that will cleanse your skin without stripping it of moisture. For sensitive skin, choose a fragrance-free, non-irritating cream formula. For acne-prone skin, choose an oil-free formula with acne fighting ingredients, such as salicylic acid.

Opt for a facial scrub that contains gentle microbeads rather that crushed fruit or nut shells. It will be less likely to irritate your skin. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you can exfoliate two to three times a week. If you have normal or combination skin, you can exfoliate up to two times a week. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you shouldn’t exfoliate more than once a week.

If you want to exfoliate without steaming and using a mask, follow up the scrub with your usual serum and/or moisturizer.

If you prefer, you can boil the water in a tea kettle.

For dry or mature skin, add rose and/or jasmine essential oils to the water to soften your skin. For acne prone skin, add tea tree and/or rosemary oil to the water for their antibacterial properties. For combination skin, add grapefruit oil to the water to help balance your skin. For sensitive skin, add geranium and/or lavender oil to the water to help soothe your skin. You can also add eucalyptus oil to the water if you’re having trouble with allergies or a cold. It can help with congestion.

Make sure that the towel is covering your head and the area around the bowl, so the steam is trapped and focused on your face. Be careful not to move your face too close to the steam or you may burn your skin.

If you find that your skin is getting too hot or starts to feel like it’s burning, immediately stop steaming your face.

If you plan use a clay mask next, it’s not necessary to dry your face completely.

Clay-based masks are best for oily and acne-prone skin because they absorb excess oil and deep clean the pores. They can also tighten enlarged pores. Hydrating cream masks are best for dry, dehydrated, or mature skin. They typically contain oils that add moisture to the skin. Gel masks are good for most skin types, including sensitive skin. They are usually oil-free but can still hydrate and soothe the skin. Sheet masks are thin cloth or paper masks that are saturated with liquid ingredients that treat a variety of skin issues. You can find hydrating, exfoliating, and brightening formulas.

If you prefer, you can apply the mask to your face with a brush. A flat synthetic foundation brush works well. Follow the instructions on the mask’s packaging to determine how thick or thin a layer you should apply. If you’re using a sheet mask, remove it from the packaging and place it over your face. Press it down gently to ensure that it’s adhering to your skin. To keep it from falling off, it’s best to lie down when you’re wearing a sheet mask.

Consult the mask’s packaging to be sure that you’re using the proper procedure for removing your mask. If you’re using a sheet mask, there’s no need to rinse it off. Remove the sheet to dispose of it, and rub the liquid residue into your skin until it’s absorbed.

You can use a toner before you apply the moisturizer if you want.