As your partner continues to question your memories, you might feel like your perceptions are warped, or even like you’re going crazy.

For example, your partner might be spending a lot of money, which worries you. When you confront them, they will belittle you and tell you that you’re bad with money. They might project their bad habits onto you and tell you you’re the one with a spending problem.

Try to write down as much dialogue as you can remember. You want an objective account of the manipulations your partner uses on you so that you can identify a pattern of behavior.

Be sure to screenshot other online interactions, such as financial transactions or social media activity.

Most importantly, know that your partner’s behavior is not your fault. You do not deserve to be treated the way they’ve been treating you.

If you need an extra boost of confidence, ask a friend to come with you. They can help you feel empowered and supported during your conversation.

It can be hard to remain calm when dealing with a gaslighter, so it’s completely understandable if you find yourself losing your cool. If you are feeling anxious or emotional during the conversation, simply leave the room.

While difficult, it’s important to stay firm with your boundaries because they are there to protect you. Let your gaslighter know that if they can’t honor your boundaries, you will leave.

Don’t feel embarrassed for falling victim to a gaslighter. Gaslighting is a situation that anyone can find themselves in. Make sure to treat yourself with kindness and grace.