Be sure that your knife is sharp to cause minimal damage to the plant.

The yellow ooze produced in this step is a sap called aloe latex. [4] X Research source It is not the aloe vera gel, which will be clear and thick in appearance, and you do not want it to contaminate your gel because it has laxative properties that may mess up your digestive track.

You will need to repeat the previous rinsing step for the top portion as it now will also produce yellow ooze. Depending on the size of your aloe vera leaves, you might find it easier to extract the gel by cutting the thick portion of the leaf into additional pieces, either along the leaves’ length, width, or both ways.

Be sure that the aloe vera leaves are also dry before you begin this portion of the cutting as a slippery leaf could lead to potential accidents. Make your cut as close to the spines as possible so that you don’t lose a lot of gel in the process.

If you would prefer not to use a knife for this step due to the potential for cutting yourself, you can choose to use a fruit peeler instead. [8] X Research source

Use a spoon to scrape up any excess gel left over along the skin. Store all of the gel extract you get in a new glass or bowl separate from the water you used to wash the leaves with.