light blue face paint dark blue face paint white face paint non-metallic white glitter (using non-metallic glitter reduces the chance of a problem if the glitter gets into the child’s eyes) stencils jewels to stick on your face a variety of paintbrushes (you will need a thick one and a couple of small pointed ones) a makeup sponge

If the paint that you are using seems too thick, then you can also dip your brush in a bit of water to help thin it out. [3] X Research source

Using the light blue face paint, create one more point extending out from each side of the crown.

You will also need to create two loops just above each of your cheekbones. Use the same light blue face paint to create these loops.

Make sure that the paint is dry on your center point before you draw the scallops. If the paint is not yet dry, then it may smear. [8] X Research source

Make sure that you dab some light blue paint between the loops on the cheekbones and the loops on the edges of the crown. This dabbed on face paint will connect the whole design.

Before you remove the stencil from your face, press some glitter onto the area you have just painted. Repeat the process to create two more snowflakes over the painted areas just above your cheekbones.

Keep adding teardrops to the upper part of the crown that extend down towards the central snowflake. Then create four teardrops on the painted cheekbone area that extend down towards your mouth. The teardrops should be different lengths to add interest to the crown.

These little dots should be different sizes to add a bit of interesting detail to the design.

Having a dark outline will help to set off the crown. If you decide to experiment with different colors, just make sure that the color you use for the outer line is darker than the base color.

This step is optional, but it adds a bit of extra sparkle.