The changing hormones in your body affect your breasts during your period. Usually this swelling occurs before your period. If you’re faking being on your period, you might complain about the way your breasts ached a few days earlier.

Some signs of being bloated are puffiness around your middle. You might complain that your clothes feel tight, and that your jeans are hard to close. You might say that you feel full, and don’t feel like eating. Usually the bloating is done by the 3rd day of your period, so don’t go on too long with your pretense.

Other symptoms are feeling uncharacteristically anxious, irritable, or confused. Don’t overdo it! You don’t want your parents to be so worried about your mood that they take you to the doctor.

Your pretend cramps might feel either sharp and stabbing, or just like a dull ache. It’s not a good idea to take medication, since you’re not really experiencing pain. Instead, just explain that you need to rest. You might gently massage your abdomen, explaining that this helps the cramps.

Again, it’s still not a good idea to take medication, since you’re not really in pain. However, it won’t hurt you to put a hot compress on your back if someone insists you do something to feel better. Other things that you can suggest include taking a hot bath, or resting. These are recommended treatments for lower back cramps.

For example, if you feel like you need to fake your period to impress your friends, it’s possible that you don’t have strong friendships. A real friend accepts you just as you are. If you are faking your period to get out of gym class, talking with someone can help you figure out what it is about this class that is so dreadful that you have to lie to get out of it. Is the teacher unprofessional? Do you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious doing the gym activities? Talking with someone you trust about this situation may help you figure out what’s really going on.

If your mom started her period at the age of 12, your own period is likely start within a year of your 12th birthday. You might start to get your period as young as 8 or 9, or you might be as old as 16.

The breast buds appear because of fat, tissue and milk ducts growing beneath the nipples, in preparation for providing milk to a newborn child. Your breasts can take from 1-4 years to grow into a rounded, adult shape from the time your breast buds appear.

Your period will usually start between 1-2 years from the time your pubic hair starts to grow. Some adult women choose to shave their pubic hair, but this isn’t usually recommended for young girls because this is such a sensitive region.

Many girls choose to shave these hairs off with a razor. There are no health reasons to do this, however, so it’s up to you to decide what you prefer. Underarm hair usually comes towards the end of puberty.

The discharge should not smell bad. If you have itching, or if the discharge is foul-smelling, you might have an infection and need to see a doctor.

Make sure you’re washing your face at least once daily with gentle soap and warm water. Don’t scrub it, or you may cause scarring. Your doctor may prescribe treatment for acne if it’s bad enough.

Having a kit will also be handy if you want to fake having a period, because other people can see that you’re prepared. If you don’t have your emergency kit when you get your first period, putting some toilet paper in the crotch of your underwear can serve as a temporary fix until you can get a real pad. A school nurse or clinic will usually have free pads that you can use. Some public restrooms have dispenser to sell single pads or tampons.

If you’re not sure how to start the conversation, consider saying something like, “Can I ask you about something? I am wondering about getting my period. . . . " Make sure you’re asking her at a time when you have some privacy, and when you’re not rushing to go somewhere else.